General information (for all fields)
Write all fields with English characters. Local ones as e.g. ÅÄÖÜ are not allowed!
Country code (ISO)
- Example: United Kingdom = UK
- Find all international ISO codes here.
- Write in Capitol Letters
- Maximum of 2 Characters
VAT registration no is unique no used to identify each legal entity for trading between EU countries.
Tax number of the vendor which is to Localization be used for reporting to the tax authorities. Usage is different in different countries:
- Italy: Codice Fiscale or Partita Iva
- Spain: N.I.F
- France: SIREN/record number of the financial ministry
- Belgium: Record number of the financial ministry or BTW/tax number
- USA: Social Security number or Corporate ID number
- Mexico: R.F.C. (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes)
- Russian Federation: Tax identification number (INN) (Cluster 9)
- Ukraine: used (Cluster 9)
- Argentina: Tax identification number (e.g. CUIT) or Employment tax number
- Brazil: CNPJ number (id for legal entity) if the indicator ” Sole proprietor ” is NOT set, otherwise no entry is made or CPF number (id for natural persons) if the indicator “Sole propriertor ” is set, otherwise no entry is made.
- Korea: Representative’s ID number or Business partner’s VAT number